Well this reads like a right wing nut job which is not what I supported, or rather what I thought this was. If you are going to runaway with your tail between your legs then goodbye and good riddance. You never actually card about California, just your own motivations. We will not miss anyone who leaves.

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Good luck in Arkansas- they don’t like people from California and they definitely will not accept your newly immigrated wife. I’ve been to all 50 states and Arkansas is the most unwelcoming of them all.

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I'm speechless at how insulting you are to California, how easily you throw your team ("data provided by my team") under the bus and refuse to accept any accountability, and how easily you paint with broad brush strokes those who hold political opinions that are opposite of your own. As for "red" states valuing individual liberty, you've clearly been gone from America for long enough where you don't recognize that we're on the verge of no longer being a democracy BECAUSE of the red states. I wonder what black and minority voters think about red states protecting their individual liberties, btw. I suggest you stay wherever you are now. America doesn't need more people like you.

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California is a leftist shit-hole. He wasn't insulting to California. He was *complimenting* it.

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you're old and irrelevant, we don't care what you think <3

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I'm not young but I'm not irrelevant. And I think Russ here is an asshole.

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You’re irrelevant because your holding on to values that no longer apply in our modern age. You’re ignorant view of god and country have started more wars and killed more people than Covid ever could. But of course you feel righteous because you commit violence all in the name of God and a flag. The Crusades are over but you’re still clinging to the horrors of the past. You don’t realize it but you’re a dinosaur on the verge of extinction, and we all know what happened to them. By the way, the shot hole you despise pays for the red states that don’t produce a dam thing. Without California the US would be a third world country because of deadbeats like you. So you’re welcome you ingrate!

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Don’t let the California door hit you in the ass on your way out! Although I hope it does. You’re a faux Californian who’s been living in communist Russia and you have the nerve to pass judgement on California. The pro secession organizations that formed alongside Calexit were not off shoots but in direct response to counter you and your deceitful agenda to undermine California through your Russian ties. Save your conservative playbook rhetoric for your neighbors in Arkansas. They speak the same propaganda language force fed to you by Fox News and (right wing) Friends. Please do us all a favor, get out and never comeback ASAP.. Oh and take your redneck white supremacist Jefferson cronies with you while you’re at it. Our state will be better for it.

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Wow, this was substantially unhinged and worrying for a grown man to ink to the public.

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Ugh, this was being run by a libertarian this whole time? I’m disgusted with myself and now need to take a long shower to wash off the stank of the self-centered elitism, lest his racist social darwinism rub off on me, too.

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Looks like Louis realized it's much harder to grift the left than it was to grift conservatives while he was out organizing against marriage equality in 2006. Now that the jig is up, looks like he's positioning himself to reboot his grift of the dopes on the right.

I wonder what his next failed endeavour will be...

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Imagine posting something like this expecting people to be supportive! What kind of stupid right wing bs did I just read? The movement will continue and will be better without people like you

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Quit your tantrum. You are not the movement, it has existed before a colloquial hashtag and it will exist after you leave. As a born Californian and lifetime secessionist, I despise you and your attempt manipulation of my homeland. You were never going to succeed because you were only in it for yourself. It isn’t just liberals wanting secession, it is those on the center and right who are fed up with DC as well.

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LOL OMG! "we must not forget the millions of rational, normal Americans who live in California in deep red counties like Modoc and Shasta, the rest of the area known as Jefferson" -- Millions? Dude, you don't even know California. Add up those counties and you don't even get to ONE million.

You were a Putin stooge all along, which I figured out pretty early on. Now you've totally revealed yourself. Please never step foot in California again.

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What a bunch of garbage.

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Enjoy the craphole that is Arkansas ... what a dumbass you are.

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I f*cking wish we were communist man get outta here

This was embarrassing to read

I don't care about anyone's political beliefs, a smaller state will benefit everyone. Republicans and Democrats in government work together to keep power away from the people, and a smaller state would ensure that it's easier to fight against. It's easier to pressure Gavin Newsom than a president and his bullshit administration on the other side of the country.

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Seriously! Prime example of self indulgent white male privilege COULD NOT EVEN FINISH READING ARTICLE… Where are you really from DB ??!!

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*Douche Bag

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Good riddance…you wont be missed, Comrade!

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This is the most megalomaniac drivel I have read all year hahahahaha

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